Words of Wisdom
✓ Even though Keto can be a very effective diet, it is really meant to be the way we should eat and live everyday.
✓ You either pay now or pay later. Many say that eating healthy is expensive. Well, consider how much we pay on medicine and medical bills as a result of bad eating. Not to mention the cost of not feeling well, or having Diabetes, cancer or allergies and not to mention how eating wrong effects our children.
✓ Never think of Keto as "what I cannot eat", but "what should I eat less of".
What is Ketogenics...a Summary
✓ is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet.
✓ The theory is that this is the way humans were meant to eat.
✓ The theory is that when we eat right, we will lose weight, reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, autism, allergies, ADD, increase brain functionality......and just overall be healthier.
Why is Keto Healthier?
✓ The concept is that humans and animals were designed to eat and live in a defined way, and once we change that way, we become "unhealthy".
Why Do We Lose Weight on a Low Carb Diet?
✓ When the body exerts itself or you exercise it needs energy to burn. When we start exercising, the body will first find carbs to burn, then sugar, and only after it has burned the carbs and sugar will it start to burn fat. So...if we eat a lot of carbs and sugars, we will only burn those off and the fat stays untouched. If your body has very little carbs and sugars, once you start working out, the body will burn fat immediately.